Thursday, 30 March 2017

Recent Ebay Booty

got these off Ebay recently lads in buff coats were marked Honourable Artillery Company and ones in red were marked Ordnance Regt so i checked in Barnes' History of British Army Uniforms and lo and behold there was a colour plate showing HAC 1721 in tricorne, reading found that Ordnance Regt was original name of 7 th Foot Royal Fusiliers, in te other pic has a rather nice conversion of an early fire engine, the figurs were marked for various artillery companies, all in all nice additions to my WSS forces

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Recent Reading

Sorry no pics this time just a few comments on what i've been reading

Military History & Uniforms No 1, (published by Patrizan Press)  very interesting articles on Venetian Army and Navy in the Holy League War 1684-1699, with a brilliant pic of a Venetian heavy cavalryman in Greece 1685, which has given me an idea of doing a conversion using a Hinton Hunt ECW cuirassier with a head swop from either head from HH ECW Royalist trooper or from Les Higgins ECW cavalry figures with plumed hat, Watch this space!!

Swedish Colours & Standards of GNW 1700-21 by Schorr & Hoglund, 2nd revised edition, a much improved version from the 1980's version, all B/W illustrations with descriptions of the colours, excellent printing

Frank Taylor's 2 volumes, Marlborough's Wars, a classic

Wargames Illustrated No 353, great article by Barry Hilton on the abortive raid on Camaret Bay 18th June 1694, this scenario could well be used for other periods, Mr Hilton has also done over recent months several articles for WSS & GNW in above mag, all very useful

1st Peninsular War WSS, after some discussion with other interested parties i have been asked to do a Les Higgins style conversion for a Spanish Death Hussar as illustrated in Funcken's Lace Wars and a Bueno plate, yellow uniform with black trim, wearing a mirliton (was only a short lived unit), Again watch this space!!

A theme seems to be apparent !! Well the period 1660 to 1720 is i must admit my favourite gaming period

Cheers Old John

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Ga Pa

Pics of GNW game last December using Rank & File rules with a few house amendments, 2000ish figures mostly plastic with some Les Higgins Marlburians painted as Swedish, Russian & Saxon Generals
Redan by Imex. Table 10 feet x 5 feet
Must admit I didn't paint all of the figures but commissioned a few lads locally to paint for me, one poor lad took on approx 140 pieces of  Zvedva Russian artillery inc gunners, guns, horses, wagons etc, result was that after completing them all, he had to spend a week in a cold dark room at Psychiatric Hospital to recover!!
Charles XII on litter by Strelets, Peter the Great mounted by Strelets,commanding
 at top right of table were loads of Cossacks including drummers, Priests and dancing girls!!! plus a few wagons mounting light guns

game time was about 19 hours over 2 days followed by a quick Colonial game with "The Men who would be King " rules, which are great fun

Cheers Old John

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

I'm back !!!!

It's been a long time since last posting, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Due to other commitments, health issues etc, so here's few pics of what i've been upto

These were taken by camera phone, all WSS using Les Higgins, Douglas Miniatures, Alberken, S Range Minifigs, current Minifigs, Irregular Miniatures, Warrior1690, Lancer Miniatures, Mars, Strelets, Zvedva, plus conversions etc. More pics to follow asap inc GNW which i've been building up last year or so

Cheers Old John