I've dug out my ECW forces to see what was ready and yet again (!!!!) found I'm short of cavalry so paint brushes now in fast blurring action getting horses done, only 30 or so to do, luckily found some painted S range horses that only need a little touching up, saved a lot of time and Les Higgins ECW figures look ok to me on them, also picked up some S range Scots Lancers that boosted the Scots contingent. So far the ECW forces are made up of Les Higgins, Hinton Hunt, some S range and a few I can't identify, will try and get some pics done shortly
Douglas Miniatures, by Friday of this week 99% of the Napoleonic and Crimea ranges will be available as well as a couple of additions to DM Marlburians ( artillery outrider and galloper gun), anyone interested in these and any of my other ranges just get in touch.
Books have been arriving by the dozen, or so it seems, WSS, Williamite Wars in Ireland, AWI, ECW, French Wars of Religion etc.
In April more masters ( Crimean, Jacobites and others) will be ready for moulding and casting and hopefully some brand new artillery for various 17th and 18th centuries armies.
Now back to horse painting
Best of luck Johnny. Will you be playing the Roundheads or the Cavaliers?